Mental Health Test
All-In-One Stress, Depression and Anxiety Test
Physical fitness and precautions are etched in peoples' minds but is anyone addressing the status of their mental health? Mental health and physical health are closely related to each other. Mental health affects how we think, feel, act and react. During these trying times when many people are facing difficulties, it is necessary to acknowledge our feelings and try to face our problems with courage. If these problems reoccur, you should seek professional help. This test has been designed to assess the situation of your mental health and to let you know how you can improve it with personalised recommendation.
Fill out the following questionnaire truthfully, paying special attention to the specified time period to which the questions refer. The results will only be helpful if you answer in an honest and complete manner.
1. In the past 6 months, how often have you felt restless, agitated, frantic, or tense.
Never A few times Sometimes Often Constantly2. In the past 6 months, how often have you felt that your worry was out of your control?
Never A few times Sometimes Often Constantly3. In the past 6 months, how often have you had trouble sleeping (you could not fall or stay asleep, and/or didn't feel well-rested when you woke up)?
Never A few times Sometimes Often Constantly4. In the past 6 months, how often you had difficulty breathing or swallowing?
Never A few times Sometimes Often Constantly5. In the past 6 months, how often you had pain in your chest, almost like you were having a heart attack?
Never A few times Sometimes Often Constantly6. In the past 6 months, how often have you felt dizzy, my head was spinning, or felt like you were going to faint?
Never A few times Sometimes Often Constantly7. In the past 6 months,, how often did you feel that you are struggling with an addiction?
Never A few timess Sometimes Often Constantly8. In the past 1 month, how often were you haunted by memories, flashbacks, or nightmares about a event?
Never A few times Sometimes Often Constantly9. In the past 1 month, how often did you avoid people and activities you would usually enjoy?
Never A few times Sometimes Often Constantly10. In the past 1 month, did you become irritable or enraged because of minor issues (or for no reason at all)?
Never A few times Sometimes Often Constantly11. For at least 2 weeks , in the past year how often have you frequently felt sad, like you couldn't go on?
Never A few times Sometimes Often Constantly12. For at least 2 weeks , in the past year how often have you lost or gained weight without trying to, or your appetite changed?
Never A few times Sometimes Often Constantly13. For at least 2 weeks , in the past year how often have you faced a change in focus/concentration or felt that your pace changed and you slowed down?
Never A few times Sometimes Often Constantly14. For at least 2 weeks , in the past year how often have you faced suicidal thoughts?
Never A few times Sometimes Often Constantly15. For at least 2 weeks , how often did you feel that you have been speaking slower or faster than usual?
Never A few times Sometimes Often ConstantlyAdapted from
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